We are delighted that you have chosen DSM as your recruitment agency. Your role is critical in fulfilling our mission of providing quality recruitment solutions, based on strong ethics, values, and client satisfaction. Please see below information that you might find useful while on assignment with us:
Before Assignment
- You must check the confirmation text message for personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements. Different employers may have different requirements, hence it is necessary to have steel capped boots, hard hat, high visibility shirt, safety glasses and gloves.
- Make sure you take your timesheet for each job. Timesheets must be signed by your supervisor and returned to us before 10:00 on Tuesday.
- If you cannot attend the job you must contact the consultant from DSM who gave you the assignment. This must be done at least 4 hours before your shift, to allow us to organise a replacement.
Assignment tips
- Be on time, this shows that you are dedicated and punctual.
- If you are running late you need to contact your consultant and let him/her know.
- Every assignment is an opportunity that could lead to extended work, so leave a great impression.
- If you have any queries or questions concerning the job, or anything else do not hesitate to ask. It is better to ask your supervisor then continuing and making a mistake.
- Clarify with your supervisor the time and duration of your breaks.
- You must clarify with the site manager first if you are required to stay overtime.
Safety tips
- At DSM safety is our number one concern, so always exercise due diligence while working.
- We value safety immensely, so please always exercise due diligence while working.
- Being alert on site is very important as it can prevent and reduce workplace injuries.
- Be mindful of the environment you are working in as most accidents are preventable.
- Be mindful of the client’s safety procedures as they may be different and always report unsafe working conditions to the site manager immediately.
- There is a 0 tolerance of drugs and alcohol intoxication. Workers can be subjected to an on-site drug or alcohol test. Any positive reading will result in an immediate end to work.
After Assignment
- You must make sure your time sheet is signed by your supervisor. If the supervisor has left the site or is unavailable please contact your consultant ASAP so that we can make contact with the site supervisor.
- Time sheets must be singed and emailed in by Tuesday 10:00 am of the following week to info@dsmrec.com
Call us
- If you are asked to perform duties which are not part of your job description.
- If you believe that your working conditions are unsafe.
- If you injure yourself while working on-site and before seeking any medical assistance.
If you have any other questions please contact the office during office hours on   0208 537 0548